
Middle school offered girls SPANX shapewear to help with body image; Parents shocked

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Ashley Heun was shocked when her 13-year-old daughter came home Tuesday with a letter from Southaven Middle School

How Shapewear—Like Spanx and Skims—Went From Underwear to High Fashion - WSJ

Mississippi Middle School Offers Students Shapewear Over Body Image

Women's Shapewear

School's memo about shapewear for students sparks viral FB post - The Washington Post

Everything You Need To Know About Shapewear - Chatelaine

Southaven Middle School faces backlash after offering shapewear to teen girls in attempt to address body image issues - ABC7 Chicago

Danielle Brooks On Shapewear, Her New Show, & Fall Fashion

Mississippi middle school slammed for letter home to parents offering SHAPEWEAR for female students

Ye's 'skinned monkey' cover art leaves fans shocked

How Selling Fax Machines Helped Sara Blakely Invent Spanx