Quality over quantity - a philosophy

Thunderpants NZ and USA have the shared value sustainability: not just in how our organic cotton is grown and in our manufacturing practices, but in our own lives as well. We work hard but we also believe life shouldn’t be taken too seriously. As family run businesses, work has become an extension of home. We love what we do as much as the product we make.

The Thunderpants business models are based on similar principles of slow growth, family before business and lifestyle over work. And it’s worked pretty well for us so far, proving that it is possible to work in a sustainable way that supports your local economy.

More than just underpants, Thunderpants are a way of life and, yes, it may seem a bit daft and cliched - it is only clothing afterall - but for us, Thunderpants embodies and embraces the more important things in life like slowing down and enjoying the fruits of our labour.

We really hope you experience the same freedom and peace of mind when you wear Thunderpants.