
The Most Expensive Rare Vinyl Records Ever Sold - Invaluable

$ 17.99 · 5 (445) · In stock

Some people who own vinyl records for more than listening. For some, purchasing valuable vinyl records signifies owning a piece of musical history.

The Most Expensive Vinyl Records Ever Sold

With loads of bargains and some exclusive vinyl available as part of hmv's Vinyl Week, we take a look at the most valuable records in history - including one recorded at hmv's

Probably the rarest and most valuable record I'll ever own. Bought for $40. Estimated value: $1,500. : r/vinyl

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Most Expensive and Rare Death Metal Vinyl Records ever sold!

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The Most Expensive Rare Vinyl Records Ever Sold - Invaluable

Replying to @marijaa my most valuable record in my collection - the RE